I start my professional career as a computer operator in Pioneer Book House (Law book publisher) and switch my job to Jumani Group of Co.'s (Construction, Sugar Industry, RCC pipe factory, Hotel and Motel) as a computer operator but after watching of my work and attachment of accounts they upgrade my designation in between i also upgrade to myself with computer and academic qualification after six years of working i switch my job and joined garment manufacturing and exporter factory Jetex Industries as an Accountant and implementer of accounting and inventory software due to financial crisis of company i quite from Jetex and joined the same industry factory Gulknit (Pvt) Ltd. as an Accountant and implementer of software and due to same finance problem i quite Gulknit and joined Adnan Apparel (Towel Manufacturer) as an Accountant and quite my job and start my own work with my father.
As accountant